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The line of succession seems to favor the eldest royal, regardless of gender. Shiro - Kiragi - Caeldori - Asugi - Hisame - Rhajat - Mitama - Selkie. In case of death of the former, the crown goes to the next oldest.

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July 21, Manchester VA Interim Director: I find that the music I have translated for Summer has a certain energy that I struggle to describe. You Will Never Shine As Bright As The Moon. However, not all of the royal children died due to this conflict; some of them were executed, taken by Hoshido, or killed in battle instead.
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Several years before the events of Fates , tension was high in the Nohrian Royal family.
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Castle Krakenburg is within the higher-walled, circular enclosure left of center. Reception Room - Bottomless Canyon N.
Radiant Dawn Fire Emblem: They defeat all the Hoshidans inside, resulting in total victory. Reception Hall - Shirasagi: Hannah McCarthy for NHPR. In the White Light - C7: