The change will take effect on October 26, and after this date Windows users will show incorrect time zone data unless a patch is applied. As it has in previous years, Morocco suspended its daylight saving time DST period for the observation of the Muslim month of Ramadan.

Adobe Flash Player ActiveX enables the display of multimedia and interactive content within the Internet Explorer web browser. At the same time, Microsoft will also implement a new time zone for Belarus, so users living in the country will have to manually switch to this new setting on October To start the download, click the Download button and then do one of the following, or select another language from Change Language and then click Change.
Azure Master Class with John Savill Live Online Training: As it has in previous years, Morocco is suspending its daylight saving time DST period for the observation of the Muslim month of Ramadan. Also, ScanSnap S ADF duplexing scanner, Canon F flat bed scanner, Corsair SP 2.
Using ASUS Live Update Utility you can perform BIOS updates from Windows. Tags Announcements DST time zones Windows.
Update for Windows 7 (KB979306)
NoelDP View Public Profile Find More Posts by NoelDP. A blog by M3 Sweatt with thoughts on time, technology, products and services at Microsoft. Using Windows 8 Is like a Trip to Guantanamo. First actual "system" update i seen on Windows update First actual "system" update i seen on Windows update! The update is required for Windows Server and R2, Windows 7, Windows 8. February 2, at 1: Azure Master Class Azure Master Class with John Savill Live Online Training: Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
Home Updates Recent Searches windows 7 timezone update russia Display name or email address: It is characterized by its speed and many innovative features. We will also include a roll-up of DST hotfix changes released during , including those for Fiji, Samoa, Turkey, Chile, Egypt and Morocco. The government of Chile recently announced that the Magallanes Region and Chilean Arctic will stay on DST indefinitely.
Update for Windows 7 for xbased Systems KB Download size: Russia is Changing Official Time Zones, Forcing Windows Users to Update to Comply Sep 24, Rod Trent. Download ASUS Live Update 3. Hot Scripts offers tens of thousands of scripts you can use.
Russia is Changing Official Time Zones, Forcing Windows Users to Update to Comply | Management & Mobility content from Windows IT Pro
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Apple Software Update is a software tool by Apple that installs the latest version of Apple software. Values Diversity and inclusion Accessibility Microsoft in education Microsoft philanthropies Corporate social responsibility Privacy at Microsoft.
Also, visit the support websites of any other software companies to see if you need to apply any updates. Microsoft Reveals New Surface Phone Project Details in Patent Docs more on: We anticipate this update will be made available before March 25th, Download Realtek High Definition Audio Driver 6.
This update addresses the recent DST end date changes for West Bank and Gaza.

User Name Remember Me? How To Participate Ask a Question Start a Discussion Discuss the Microsoft Community Site Meet Our Community Leaders Getting Started FAQ. Install this update to resolve issues caused by revised daylight saving time and time zone laws in several countries. Help page has more details about this change and how it can be obtained for other versions of Windows. Win7 - "View Update History" vs.
Russia Makes Windows Updates Mandatory Due to New Time Zones
Join the Conversation Get answers to questions, share tips, and engage with the IT professional community at myITforum. Download Adobe Flash Player ActiveX How do you deal with time zone changes when your domain is on a ship, airplane, or other vehicle?
Additional titles containing windows 7 timezone update russia On May 14, , mainland Chile will fall back to UTC