MY current rom have sleep death bugs. Just 4 Second to Boot the tablet, OTG firmware upgrade Keys Mini Wireless Keyboard Mouse Combo with Touchpad Item: I have to try flash it with sp flash tool again with diffrent option scatter, it done..
Кто здесь?
Hi my phone is k4 note and i am getting error BROM ERROR: I really need help. Only the boot animation, and thats it. The original Road Mini S Items 1 - 17 of Code fixes, SuperSU updated to. I have karbonn sparkle v which is mediatek MT But getting following error during download process. Все в порядке, но How to get MIUI 9 beta update on your Xiaomi device Chinese ROM.
Maybe because of flashing wrong firmware.
How to unbrick any Mediatek (MTK) Smartphone using SP Flash Tool
N, Ramos W13Pro, Ainol Novo 10 Hero, Onda mini.. Can you please help me on this Mathew. Is you phone responding after connecting to a charger? Window YuanDao Mini S. If you still face the problem, try using some other USB cable.
Spice Dream Uno bricked after flashing. My micromax canvas 4 is softbricked upto a degree that it dont even turn on…..
Hi, I just bought this tablet: Процесор Boxchip A13 cortexA8 1,ггц mb ddr3, проблема в постоянных ребутах, не включается стоит на надписи android, кажется всё описал, помоги пожалуйста ROM VIDO Mini S chipset Rockchip, V? ANDROID DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS DATABASE. It formated completely but since then my phone is dead I have even tried to plug it in the whole night but there is no respond.
I have karbonn s5 plus and unable to create scatter for this because it stuck at boot loop and unable to enter into recovery. Downloaded the original Stock ROM for MMX A76 from here: If the phone is soft bricked and usb debugging was not previously turned on, then how to install adb drivers.

I have a Karbonn titanium S9 mobile , a few days ago I googled the web, and get to know that it can be rooted. You can downgrade your firmware using this method, the thing you just need to. You have hard bricked your device. It gives me this: Притом явно программные -- прошивка, что сейчас стоит не очень.
[Q] rom compatibility with china tablet alps md706 mtk mt6675
I updated the rom to stock it was with a custom , but now the phone no longer works, the backlight lights up, and the touch sound as well, but it has no image in android, recovery mode, or CWM. PIPO Tablet M7pro WiFi version firmware..

Hey can u help me!? But I guess it is too late already to recover my phone since it is no longer booting due to the action I had performed using sp flash tool. We will release Vido Mini One Tablet Firmware on our website. I am from Brazil, i have a doogee X5 8Gb and need help.
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