Waiting for new Russian airports! A hugely detailed external model that comes with lots of unique animations, ensuring that the whole thing can fly safe and sound without any problems whatsoever in comparison to many other recreations of this special craft — it really does carry that precision and charm to make the aircraft feel extra special.
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Iceberg Interactive iFlight Simulator SARL Immersive Audio IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations Individual Intrasystem inv3rtedco5ine IRIS Simulations ItalySim Design.
Looking closer, you can also see the cars driving along the motorway! One of the most noticeable is the spire, they captured its intricacies which include the roofline and open railing which can be seen just below the windows. As in Russia, visited! Or venture out with a ton "On the Road" and deliver your cargo safely through Germany.
Do not miss our Top Deals of the Week exclusively for you at the Aerosoft Online Shop! The airport main terminal buildind is missing as well as runway textures, some buildings are black, etc. Building lighting both interior and exterior were also very well done, I thought that it was very realistic. So I wait for the next release of AES when I suposed the Yekaterinburg are included in the list.
Toward this end, we use advanced computer modeling techniques, digital texturing, and state-of-the-art programming procedures, taking advantage of the latest features in the most popular flight simulators.

Start AESHelp and you should be able to activate USSS Have Fun. The control tower which is also part of this larger building also has some antennas and clearance lights on its rooftop.

Ground and apron lighting were both good however I found the apron lighting to be dim compared to what I am accustomed to seeing at other airports.
Libredia Lionheart Creations Live in FSX LivingFS LMT Simulation LORBY-SI Lotus Simulations LUIS GORDO. Registration key after purchase, see order details page in customer account. In it became a civilian airport and in acquired its international status.
Yekaterinburg is the fifth largest airport in Russia and is built to handle all aircraft right up to the Airbus A This is a Russian airport and so many of the objects and vehicles, although similar to those found in many western countries, do show some differences in design. Enjoy a unique flight feeling on PC and sit down in an virtually real cockpit in the FSX or P3D!
- Whether as a construction worker in the excavator, as a farmer in the tractor or as a captain on your own ship - slip into different roles and test your skills. A fantastic rendition of the Huey X, allowing you to hop into the UH-1H or UH-1D models.
- FS9 is already supported, this update is not for FS9! Navigate the most imposing locomotives through picturesque landscapes and cities.
- In the Aerosoft Support Datenbank you can download a small patch for Yekaterinburg X maybe register before:
- The airport main terminal buildind is missing as well as runway textures, some buildings are black, etc.
Alabeo consists of a group of Wazem WeFly Works Team WF Scenery Studio Wilco Publishing Will Best Electronics Ltd Wing Creation Inc. Ochiai OctopusG OFX Simulation OldProp Solutions inc. The airport itself is meticulously detailed and enjoyable. Airport SCEL Santiago International - Now The ground terrain textures and the way the grass looks is just amazing! We also have many for FSX: Good value for money and again, as the other reviewer said, good to see aerosoft still developing for FS9 FS They are well constructed, looks good and have impeccable behavior in flight.
The scenery will be added to the FSX scenery library during the installation routine.
Review of AEROSOFT – YEKATERINBURG X for FSX « simFlight
The scenery features a highly detailed rendition of Endelave Airfield ICAO: The older VIP terminal which was originally opened in has its own set of interesting features.
SailorsOfTheSky SamScene Sandon Lyon SCANSIM Flightsimulation Scenery On Demand SceneryBox SceneryPro SceneryTech SceneryTR Design Scenic Utopia SDG Sim Design Group SEA SecondReality Software Shovsoft Signalsoft Rail Consultancy Ltd. Something that I feel would have benefited the package was if they had added some static aircraft strategically placed in some of the lesser used parking areas.
About SimShack SimShack is a flight simulation superstore that provides thousands of add-ons and expansions such as aircraft and scenery for FSX, FS and X-Plane.
Frequencies and runway alignments were all accurate. Hello Oliver, Thanks for these info about the file in the textures folder They are all fully transparent with detailed interiors; extremely well done.
I am very happy to state that this is not the case here, in addition to the white ground cover several other features really stood out while looking over the scenery.